Take advantage of enhanced MacOS 10.6 Finder features to create keyboard shortcuts.
KEYMACRO adds a new and very useful keyboard shortcut feature to the Finder. It is an advanced shortcut managing utility that aims to simplify the use of Finder search function and navigation.
The application offers a large number of powerful keyboard shortcuts for easily navigating through the Finder interface. It consists of a powerful and very flexible library that can be easily extended or customized according to your specific needs.
Its main functionalities include:
- Adding and editing keyboard shortcuts
- Recording and managing existing keyboard shortcuts
- Creating and editing Finder searches
- Synchronizing multiple keyboard shortcuts
- Recording keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying all the keyboard shortcuts
- Removing and disabling keyboard shortcuts
- Searching for multiple items
- Searching for items located in specific folders
- Searching for items located in specific locations
- Searching for items located in specified dates
- Searching for items that start with a certain word
- Searching for items that contain a specific string
- Searching for items that end with a certain string
- Searching for items that start with a certain string
- Searching for items that end with a certain string
- Searching for items that contain a specific string
- Searching for items that start with a certain string
- Searching for items that end with a certain string
- Searching for items that contain a specific string
- Searching for items that start with a certain string
- Searching for items that end with a certain string
- Organizing keyboard shortcuts into folders
- Organizing keyboard shortcuts into categories
- Listing all the current keyboard shortcuts
- Recording keyboard shortcuts
- Changing shortcuts
- Changing shortcuts from the Finder preferences
- Resetting keyboard shortcuts
- Organizing keyboard shortcuts into folders
- Organizing keyboard shortcuts into categories
- Organizing keyboard shortcuts into folders
- Listing all the current keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying all the keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Removing keyboard shortcuts
- Displaying keyboard shortcuts
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